ADC Pi 8 input read speed comparison

Today we received a question from a customer asking how fast the ADC Pi could sample all its 8 input channels and log to a file.

We modified one of our Python demo scripts to run a loop of 100 samples of each of the 8 channels so it would scan channels 1 to 8, saving to a text file for each scan, and this was repeated 100 times.

The script logged the number of seconds that the script took to run, and we then imported this into Excel to calculate the time taken for each set of 8 channels and each channel.

The table below shows the results of each test when run in 18-bit mode, 16-bit mode, 14-bit mode and 12-bit mode.

Bit Rate Time in seconds Loops Time per 8 channels Single Channel SPS Hertz
18 197.39 100 1.9739 0.2467375 4.05289
16 50.455 100 0.50455 0.06306875 15.85571
14 13.619 100 0.13619 0.01702375 58.74146
12 4.447 100 0.04447 0.00555875 179.8966