2016 visitor stats for our website

Some stats for our website visitors for 2016

150,000 unique users visited the website who viewed over 501,000 individual page views

They spend an average of 1 minute 56 seconds on each page.

The most popular page after the home page is the ADC Pi, with over 22,000 views, followed by the Raspberry Pi development boards page, with over 20,000 views.

In the knowledge base, the most popular pages where

Serial Port setup in Raspberry Pi OS article with over 20,000 views; on average, visitors spent over 5 minutes on the page.

This was followed by the I2C setup article with over 12,000 views and a 5-minute view time.

The knowledge base pages had over 90,000 visitors who viewed 75 articles.

Over 10,000 visitors looked at the Voltage Divider Calculator in the tools section.