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IO Pi Plus Node.js library and samples

2379 Views - Created 20/07/2017


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daocircle Avatar


Hi, I just bought 4 of IOPi plus board to control 4 x 32 = 128 GPIO ports for a single Raspberry Pi 3 (model B) board. I see a simple Python example controlling a single LED here : But what I need is Node.js Library and sample apps controlling at least either 2 chips on the same board or 2 IOPi boards (may be one LED on each board). I believe you can have total 8 IC chip address (0x20 ... 0x27) with 4 boards.In other words, I'm looking for Node.js libarary + sample which is equivalent of the same from the above link. bus = IOPi(0x21)Any Node.js library developed for this IOPi board? If not, what Node.js I2C library is recommended for this MCP23017 multiplexer based I2C control? (either read or write). ThanksSteve


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andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

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Hello SteveWe have a Node.js library available for the IO Pi Plus. You can download it from our GitHub repository at are several example files showing how to read and write to an IO Pi in the /examples/iopi/ folder

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