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Libraries for node.js

The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi


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snrmkmohanty Avatar

I need to control 50 digital IO pin and IO Pi Plus seems the best solution for this. But I have a question, my application is written in node.js and running in raspbian(Raspberry pi 3). Is there some npm package in node.js to access the IO pi plus and if not, can you suggest some alternative way?


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andrew Avatar

The IO Pi Plus uses the Microchip MCP23017 IO chip so any node.js library designed for that chip should worth with the IO Pi Plus. I have not tried using the IO Pi Plus with node.js but it does look like there is an npn package available as well as a node.js library on github. Hopefully you can use one of these libraries to get started with your application.

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