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Detect rising edge

The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi


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jan Avatar

I use RPI 3B+ and IO zero 32. I wanted to ask if there is a way to detect the rising edge similarly to GPIO.
Thank you


Posted by:

andrew Avatar


There is no direct way to detect a rising edge on the IO Zero 32. There are interrupt pins on the IO Zero 32, but they trigger on both rising and falling edges.

One way to detect when a pin goes high would be to connect an interrupt pin on the IO Zero 32 to a GPIO pin on the Raspberry Pi and enable interrupts on the GPIO pin. Add an interrupt trigger function to the GPIO pin so when a pin on the IO Zero 32 changes state, the GPIO interrupt is triggered on the Raspberry Pi, and you can read the state of the IO pin on the IO Zero 32 to see if it has gone high or low.

We have a tutorial in our Python library that shows how this can be done. You can find the tutorial here.

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