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IOPi.py line 156: model = re.match('(.*?)\\s*\\s*(.*)', line)

The IO Pi Plus is a 32 channel MCP23017 GPIO expander for the Raspberry Pi


Posted by:

KlausDerOptiker Avatar

IOPi.py line 156: model = re.match('(.*?)\\s*\\s*(.*)', line)

I checked this line and found out that is not working.

Correct would be:

model = re.match('(.*?)\\s*:\\s*(.*)', line)!

The difference is the ':' between '\\s*' and '\\s*'.

I checked the behavior with python 3.7 and through the page 'https://regex101.com/r/iB5dI0/7'



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KlausDerOptiker Avatar

In addition: same error appears of course all over the other libraries.

It seems to be that the syntax '(.*?)' of 're' needs a singular delemiter - like: 'do it until...'. An unlimited chain seems not to be allowed.


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andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

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Thank you for spotting the bug in the regex code. I have updated all of the python libraries with the new code so it should be working correctly now.

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