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I2C Switch Help


Posted by:

Ermahiho Avatar

Hello everyone, i'm trying to use I2C Switch on my Raspberry Pi 0 WH and by usign the Python library


I'm able to set the channel 1,2,3,4 but now the main issue that i have is how to read the value on my BH1750 sensors connected to the 4 channels available on the board. With the previous code i was able to read data from my sensor directly connected to the GPIO of the Raspebrry but now i need to pass through the board and after set channel my previous code not work and show error in connection.

How i can ask, one by one, the value of sensors passing through switch board?

Thanks in advance

Here is the code that works perfectly when sensor is connected directly ithout board :


import smbus

import time

import requests

# Define some constants from the datasheet

DEVICE = 0x23 # Default device I2C address

POWER_DOWN = 0x00 # No active state

POWER_ON = 0x01 # Power on

RESET = 0x07 # Reset data register value


bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Rev 2 Pi uses 1

def convertToNumber(data):

# Simple function to convert 2 bytes of data

# into a decimal number

return ((data[1] + (256 * data[0])) / 1.2)

def readLight(addr=DEVICE):

data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr,ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE)

return convertToNumber(data)

def main():

while True:

#print ("Light Level : " + str(readLight()) + " lux")

payload = {'door_psw':'YLGC202008','id_procedure':'0','id_door':'1','external_lux':str(readLight()),'internal_lux':str(readLight())}


r = requests.post('', data=payload)

if r.ok :

if r.json()["data"]["response"] == "OK":

print("Dati lux aggiornati");


if __name__=="__main__":



Posted by:

andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

andrew Twitter  andrew Website  


The code below should switch between each I2C channel and read the sensor values.

I added a channel parameter into the readLight function and used this to set the i2c switch channel. There is a short delay added after switching the i2c channel, this may not be needed.

In the main loop, I duplicated the payload variable and added the channel parameter to each readLight function call.

This should give you an idea of how you can use the I2C switch in your code.


import smbus
import time
import requests
from I2CSwitch import I2CSwitch

# Define some constants from the datasheet
DEVICE = 0x23 # Default device I2C address
POWER_DOWN = 0x00 # No active state
POWER_ON = 0x01 # Power on
RESET = 0x07 # Reset data register value
bus = smbus.SMBus(1) # Rev 2 Pi uses 1
i2cswitch = I2CSwitch(0x70) # I2C switch on address 0x70

def convertToNumber(data):
# Simple function to convert 2 bytes of data
# into a decimal number
return ((data[1] + (256 * data[0])) / 1.2)

def readLight(channel=1, addr=DEVICE):
# Set the I2C channel
data = bus.read_i2c_block_data(addr,ONE_TIME_HIGH_RES_MODE)
return convertToNumber(data)

def main():

while True:
#print ("Light Level : " + str(readLight()) + " lux")
payload1 = {'door_psw':'YLGC202008','id_procedure':'0','id_door':'1','external_lux':str(readLight()),'internal_lux':str(readLight(channel=1))}

payload2 = {'door_psw':'YLGC202008','id_procedure':'0','id_door':'1','external_lux':str(readLight()),'internal_lux':str(readLight(channel=2))}

payload3 = {'door_psw':'YLGC202008','id_procedure':'0','id_door':'1','external_lux':str(readLight()),'internal_lux':str(readLight(channel=3))}

payload4 = {'door_psw':'YLGC202008','id_procedure':'0','id_door':'1','external_lux':str(readLight()),'internal_lux':str(readLight(channel=4))}

r = requests.post('', data=payload1)

if r.ok :
if r.json()["data"]["response"] == "OK":
print("Dati lux aggiornati")


if __name__=="__main__":


Posted by:

Ermahiho Avatar

It works! thank you very much!


Posted by:

Ermahiho Avatar

i have a little question for you, i can setup delay 0.1 without problem but because i need to switch between channel 1 and 2 every 1s 24/24 7/7 365/365 this can broke the board/chip or is strong and will work without problem? what do you think?


Posted by:

andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

andrew Twitter  andrew Website  

It should work without the delay. I only added it in to make sure the switch had changed the channel before doing the i2c read but it probably isn't needed.

Try removing the delay and see if it still works correctly.

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