ComPi on a RaspberryPi 3B+
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Is is possible to use the Legacy ComPi 1.0 on a Raspberry Pi 3B+
I only want to use the 1 Wire interface on it.
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The Com Pi is compatible with the Raspberry Pi 3B+ but the mounting hole on the Com Pi will not align with the holes on the Raspberry Pi so the board will only be supported by its connector.
You can use our 1 Wire Pi tutorials for OWFS and the W1 subsystem to set up the 1-Wire interface on the Com Pi.
Posted by:
Thank you. I just tried my ComPi V1.0 on my 3B+ but it doens't work.
It works perfectly on a 3B, but when I plug it into my 3B+ I just get a solid red and green LED on the Pi and it doesn't boot. (black screen).
I have an RTC Pi V2.1 that works on the 3B+ with no issues.
Any thoughts on how to diagnose this one?
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I have to remove the jumper from the ComPi and it now boots ok.
I'm not running an external 5V supply so not sure why this is the issue.
Posted by:
I have just tested the Com Pi on a Pi 3B+ and it appears to be working correctly with the jumper attached. It booted and I was able to access the 1 wire and serial devices.
The GPIO connector pinout on the Pi 3 B and the 3B+ should be identical so I am not sure why it will not work on your Raspberry Pi 3B+ with the jumper attached, do you have it connected on the end of the Raspberry Pi nearest the SD card like in the photo below?

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