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Board does not read Temperature sensors DS18B20 anymore

The 1 Wire Pi Plus and 1 Wire Pi Zero are a 1 Wire interface for the Raspberry Pi


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tom57 Avatar

Hi,I am using your 1-wire board on a PI2 since some months. Now I replaced PI2 with a PI3.Additionally I went to Jessie Lite version of Raspian.For some days everything was working fine. Now I lost the connection to the temperature sensors.I reinstalled the owfs software. i2cdetect -y 1 shows the board on address 18.Still no sensors in the mount point.What happened? Is there a defect on the board and how could I check the functionality?Reboot, disconnect from power ... I tried everything.Best regardsThomas


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andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

andrew Twitter  andrew Website  

Hi Thomas

I am not aware of a problem with the 1 Wire Pi on the Raspberry Pi 3. We normally run the full version of Jessi on our development boards and the 1 Wire Pi works ok with that build on the Raspberry Pi 3. I haven't tested 1 Wire on the latest build of Jessi Lite so I am currently setting up a fresh image with the most recent Jessi Lite download and once that is installed I will check to see if there are any compatibility issues with the 1 Wire Pi or the DS18B20 sensors.


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andrew Avatar

United Kingdom

andrew Twitter  andrew Website  

The 1 Wire Pi appears to be working under Jessi Lite. I followed our tutorial for installing OWFS and the only thing I noticed that was different on Jessi Lite is fuse is not installed by default so I had to install that with sudo apt-get install fuse before editing /etc/fuse.conf to uncomment the user_allow_other line.Do you have a spare SD card you could use to create a fresh install of Jessi Lite so you can check if it is the 1 Wire board or the Linux install that is faulty? If the 1 Wire board still does not work with a fresh install then it is probably a fault with the board in which case I will send you a replacement.


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tom57 Avatar

Thanks Andrew for your fast reply.Yes your were right - fuse was not installed correctly.Everything is working now :).Best regardsThomas

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