Node.js Library to use with RTC Pi Raspberry Pi real-time clock board.
To download to your Raspberry Pi type in the terminal:
git clone
The RTC Pi library is located in the /lib/rtcpi/ directory
The example files are located in the /examples/rtcpi/ directory
The RTC Pi library requires the i2c-bus library to run.
Install from npm package repositoryi2c-bus with
npm install i2c-bus
Set the date and time on the RTC using a javascript Date object
Parameter: date
Returns: null
Returns the date from the RTC as a javascript Date object
Returns: date object
Enable the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Returns: null
Disable the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Returns: null
Set the frequency for the square-wave output on the SQW pin.
Parameter: frequency - options are: 1 = 1Hz, 2 = 4.096KHz, 3 = 8.192KHz, 4 = 32.768KHz
Returns: null
writeMemory(address, valuearray)
Write to the memory on the DS1307. The DS1307 contains 56 - Byte, battery-backed RAM with Unlimited Writes
Parameter: address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameter: valuearray - byte array (Uint8Array) containing data to be written to memory
Returns: null
readMemory(address, valuearray)
Read from the memory on the DS1307. The DS1307 contains 56 - Byte, battery-backed RAM with Unlimited Writes
Parameter: address - 0x08 to 0x3F
Parameter: length - Up to 32 bytes. length can not exceed the available address space.
Returns: Returns a Uint8Array type array of the data read from memory
To use the RTC Pi library in your code you must first import the library:
var rtcpi = require('../../lib/rtcpi/rtcpi');
Next, you must create an RTCPi object:
var rtc = new RTCPi();
Set the current time using a date object:
var d = new Date(2016, 07, 04, 10, 23, 00, 00);
Enable the square-wave output at 8.192KHz on the SQW pin:
Read the current date and time from the RTC at 1-second intervals:
var myClock = setInterval(clockTimer, 1000);
function clockTimer() {